Sex Ed Classes: Learning & Sharing
To start, I like to lead by example. So, if you’re interested in the sex education field that’s great. #SexEdFirst. Ultimately, the route you take depends on your budget, as well as other factors. Previously, I was advised by someone that qualifications weren’t necessary. However, I’m licensed, have professional certifications and memberships for other endeavors. I figured… why not in sex ed.
Additionally, I’ve always understood the difference between a professional certification and receiving a certificate of completion. Not to mention, I’m knowledgeable that licenses and certifications aren’t the same. I will not elaborate on any of this. I just wanted to mention in case someone hadn’t thought about those facts.
I researched for months online then I took the Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health Jumpstart Your Career in Sexuality $75 course after being selected as a spring 2018 social media intern. The class has information on a variety of credible organizations, so you can determine which sex ed path is best for you.
This is a small investment because a sex ed course via an accredited school or university can range from $1,700 to $7,000+. In my opinion, it makes sense to avoid googling for hours. Another word of advice, beware of places that aren’t accredited and charge the same prices. At the least, research them.
Generally, if you decide to become a sexologist or sex therapist you need a masters or doctoral degree. While attending a university, you can possibly qualify for financial aid to obtain a psychology, sex ed related bachelors, masters or doctoral degree. Any of those are necessary to join one of the most prominent sex ed organizations American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (ASSECT) and pursue their certifications.
You can become a student member, but I know from experience… you can’t mention it, nor use their logo anywhere until you have one of those degrees. The CSPH offers a Sexual Attitude Reassessment (SAR) too. “Their SAR leads participants through the process of evaluating their feelings, values, and attitudes around sexuality through an intersectional lens, and approved for AASECT credits.” (
Alternatively, you may be a sex coach, educator, resource or sexpert without a degree. For instance, checkout the accredited Dr. Rachel’s Institute Certified Sexuality Coach course. Once complete, you can apply for an accredited membership with the American Board of Sexology (similar to AASECT you need a bachelors, masters or doctorate degree). Also, you can join the American College of Sexologists.
Recently, I was accepted to join the ACS, I will be a certified sex educator soon. I can’t wait to network with members. What’s more, once I graduate from NSU, I may apply to be a certified sexologist via ACS and join ASSECT again. Currently, I’m a member of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network.
In closing, adult sex ed is vital, because it’s so many uninformed grown-ups in the world. I am excited to try and change that. I look forward to continuing to learn and share. I am proud of my first certification via the CSPH & Eldorado. ElevateU was outstanding! It’s my preference to further my sex ed journey, despite being advised it wasn’t necessary. I’m a forever learner. Ultimately, I think you should do what works for you and your personal goals.
Classes to expand your sexual knowledge:
In 2017, I received a Certificate of Completion in an Intersectionality for Human Services course via The Center of Sexual Pleasure and Health.
Moreover, help them to reduce sexual shame please and thanks! Check them out.
Soon after, I completed an online class called Introduction to Reproduction and a Photography class via Coursera. Moreover, I am elated they asked me to volunteer as a mentor for Summer 2018 photography students. Also, I was asked to mentor their 2019 Social Psychology class.
Later, I received a Certificate of Completion in Sex, Science, and Society. Check out this course on the edX website.
Spring 2018, I worked as a social media intern with the CSPH! Furthermore, I will continue to learn and share with you all. I completed and LOVED the Jumpstart Your Career in Sexuality course.
Sunny & Ken's reputable kink class:
“This six part electric play series is available now. You also get access to the entire library of 2000+ videos from 140+ of some of the most sought after BDSM/kink instructors in the world!” (Sunny Megatron)
Check out Sunny & Ken’s, owners of the official American Sex Podcast, amazing lessons. #PayForSexed

Free certification course:
Fall 2018, I completed a certification with the CSPH and Eldorado. Elevate U is a great no cost option for folks that sell adult items via the latter’s drop ship program and advocate sex ed. I’m so excited to take another course with the CSPH!
Now, I’m a certified beginner educator. The course was VERY informative. If you don’t know how to start a website/blog to launch an online shop read this post.

Free pleasure class for couples:
“DVPassion Love Experience provides relationship coaching services that cater to both monogamous and non-monogamous relationships. ” (
Dee H. Black and Laydee Vee, founders of DVPassion Love Experience, LLC, were featured at the 2018 Exxxotica Expo. Follow this link to view their facesitting class recorded at the event.
***Event Alert*** The Weekend Xperience!

Plethora of Youtube videos and ebooks:
“Sexpert, author and TV celebrity, Susan Bratton is a champion and advocate for everyone who craves a passionate relationship.” (
I don’t think there’s anything Susan hasn’t covered, so subscribe to follow here.